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Rittmeister’s memories
Leutnant’s Memories
Lothar von R’s memories
Officer William Evans’s Memories
Friefrau von R’s Memories
Karl Allmenroder’s memories
Private Jamie Evans’s Memories
A lady’s memories
Techniques for Memories
Are you empathic?
Please note that the memories and artwork contained herein are copyrighted 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007

The memories of this dear lady are presented here by her permission and unlike the others that have written an introduction and have put their memories into set paragraphs for me, she has sent me short recollections through email, so what is posted are events that she has shared with me or events that I inquired about. Her writings are directed to me. For the time, my introduction will be here until she has the time or inclination to write up one of her own. You will discover that she is a woman of wit, class, and charm. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind either.
She contacted me hoping to find help in discovering her true past identity. She knew that she had been someone that had been very close to me, and when I first received her letter and read through her thoughts, it seemed like she may have thought that she was one of my girlfriends. But my first and only strong reaction was that of my mother, my mother when I was Manfred. I think she was testing me at first, and I must admit I was testing her too to see what she would say!
My correspondence with her has been wonderful and I hope you will enjoy her recollections as much as I do.